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Papal Intention for March: The Pope invites the whole Church to pray for the families in crisis, and more so those wounded ones, that through the medicine of forgiveness, they might find a cure for their wounds. The members of each family are blessed with different gifts. May in our prayers we discover the richness that the Lord has put in each family. Due to personal limitations and external factors, like lack of employment, health and basic facilities, many families suffer deep wounds. May the prayer of the whole Church rise to God so that the grace of God comes to the assistance of the wounded families. 

Papal Message for Season of Lent: With Ash Wednesday, we enter into the Season of Lent, a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter. For Lent, the Dicastery for Human Development has sent the message on behalf of Pope Francis proposing in this Jubilee Year, a few reflections on what it means to journey together in hope. While Lent invites us for conversion of the heart to experience God’s mercy and forgiveness, the journey from slavery to freedom as experienced by Israel, could be ours too, as we walk away from sin towards true freedom of the children of God. As we journey as “pilgrims of hope”, the Holy Spirit impels us to walk together with others, listening to one another and attending to others’ needs. Further, this Lent urges us to generate hope in people, keeping the victory of Easter in front of our eyes. May this Season of Lent be a time filled with God’s immense blessings for the whole Church. 

Pray for the Good Health of Pope Francis: We are well aware that Pope Francis is ailing, and given his age, he needs strength to fight against his sickness. The whole Church is invited

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to pray for his speedy recovery. I invite Parish Priests to call the people to offer intense prayer for the good health of Pope Francis during Mass, Rosary, Adoration, and Family Prayers. On 13 March is the anniversary of his election as Supreme Pastor, and we have all the more reason to thank God for his leadership and for bringing a new breeze of synodality in the Church. He has taught us to listen to the Spirit speaking within us and to listen to one another as the same Spirit moves them. May this Jubilee Year help us to put into practice the synodality in all areas of Church’s life. 

Jubilee of Women: On 16 March, the Diocese of Mangalore, through the assistance of the Commission for Women, celebrates the Jubilee of women at Bendur church premises. The Parish Priests are requested to announce this event so that the representatives of each Parish may join in this celebration. Keeping the motto of supporting a mission of empowerment, the Commission has resolved to help at least 25 needy families. Let us promote the activities of empowering women, especially those who truly struggle in life having no proper means of sustenance. Day of Adoration: The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) invites us to organise 24 hours of adoration in our churches to pray for the whole Church. We have fixed Friday, 28 March, as this special day of prayer. I request the Parishes and Religious Communities to set aside this day for Prayer and intercession before the Eucharistic Lord for the success of the Jubilee Year. 

The 36th Plenary Assembly of CCBI and Synodal Pathways for Mission: The Bishops of India (Latin Rite) gathered in Bubaneshwar and discerned the Synodal Pathways for Mission from 28th January to 04th February 2025. In its letter to the People of God, the Conference has identified some 16 themes that would need our attention: 1) Faith Formation and Word of God; 2) Children; 3) Family; 4) Youth; 5) Laity; 6) Basic Ecclesial Communities; 7) Migrants and Refugees; 8) Dalits; 9) Tribals/ Adivasis/Indigenous Peoples; 10) Socially Excluded People; 11) Women and Gender Justice; 12) Poverty and Equitable

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Economy; 13) Digital Technology and Social Media; 14) Ecology and Climate Stewardship; 15) Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue; and finally 16) Peacebuilding. The Bishops expressed their intention to use the methodology of “Spiritual Conversation” in the participatory bodies of the Church and thereby listen prayerfully to “what the Spirit says to the Churches” (Rev. 2: 7). May this method of listening to the Spirit in prayer be the hallmark of this Jubilee Year. May all of us constantly discern the effective synodal pathways to carry forward the mission of the Lord. 

Wish you a fruitful Season of Lent and intense experience of the mercy of God. 


􀀁  Peter Paul Saldanha

 Bishop of Mangalore