Papal Intention for January:
The Holy Father has called on the entire Church to pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to education may be safeguarded. Education undoubtedly raises awareness of people’s rights and duties, and enlightened citizens contribute to building a healthy society. Let us help the migrants and refugees working in our Diocese to have better facilities for holistic education.
Eucharistic Procession and Adoring the Lord:
On the 5th of this month, as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, all are cordially invited to participate in the Diocesan Eucharistic Procession, which marks the Jubilee of the Eucharist. The theme of this year’s message is: “Hope does not disappoint us.” Kindly encourage the Faithful of your parish to join the procession and pray for the whole Church and our Diocese in front of the Eucharistic Lord. Please be reminded not to schedule any programmes in the afternoon to allow for greater participation.
Prayer for Christian Unity:
From 18 to 25 January the Week of Prayer is held for Christian Unity. The theme for the 2025 Week of Prayer is “Do you believe this?” (Jn 11: 26), takes its cue from the dialogue between Jesus and Martha when Jesus visited the home of Martha and Mary in Bethany following the death of their brother Lazarus. Jesus, in order to rouse her faith in new life, said to Martha: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea. This commemoration provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians, as expressed in the Creed formulated during this Council; a faith that remains alive and fruitful in our days. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 offers an invitation to draw on this shared heritage and to enter more deeply into the faith that unites all Christians. May the Lord bring all the Christians closer in this year.
Ecumenical Sunday and Jubilee of Christian Unity:
In our Diocese, Sunday, 19 January is dedicated to Ecumenical Efforts. The Introduction, Homily, and Prayer of the Faithful will provide an opportunity to highlight and reflect on the importance of Christian unity. Additionally, all are invited to celebrate the Jubilee of Christian Unity on 1 February. On this day, Parish Priests are asked to organise ecumenical meetings with Christian brethren from other mainline Churches. For further details on Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities in your vicinity, as well as the prayer service notes, please contact the Secretary of the Commission for Ecumenism, Fr Rupesh Madtha.
Sunday of the Word of God is celebrated on 25 and 26 January. Pope Francis established the Sunday of the Word of God in 2019 through an Apostolic Letter called “Aperuit illis”. The motto for the 2025 celebration is “I hope in your Word” (Ps 119:74). It is a cry of hope: man, in a moment of anguish, tribulation and confusion, cries out to God and puts all his hope in him. Hope gives greater meaning to our earthly existence and indicates our destiny. The Sunday of the Word of God is a day to emphasise the importance of referring to the Word of God in the daily life of the Church and communities. The Scriptures are central to Christian worship because they reveal God to people through God’s inspiration. The Commission for the Bible gives the directives to indicate the mode of celebrating this Jubilee.
I pray that the Lord grant you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2025. May Mother of God accompany you on your life’s journey. May all experience the mercy of God throughout this year.
Peter Paul Saldanha
Bishop of Mangalore