An introductory course on studying and reading the Bible, ‘Bible Vista,’ was organised by the Commission for Bible of St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai, Mangalore, on 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th August 2023 in the evenings from 6.00 to 7.30 pm. The course was held at Lourdes Central School Audio-Visual Hall. Ninety-Three parishioners participated in this program.

Firstly, this course focussed on the right method of reading the bible or the intelligent and spiritual reading of the bible. Secondly, this course emphasised the need to study the bible to comprehend this treasure of the Word of God.

Parish Priest, Rev Dr J. B. Saldanha inaugurated the programme along with Asst. Priest Rev. Fr Suraj Joseph Lobo, LCS Principal Rev Fr Robert D’Souza, and Superior of St Angela Convent Sr Severine Crasta attended the sessions, encouraging the participants and highlighting the importance of studying the Word of God. The Vice President of Bejai Parish, Mr Ashok Pinto, Co-ordinator for 21 Pastoral Commissions of the Parish, Mr Godwin Pinto, PPC Secretary Mrs Avitha Pinto and Parish Bible Comission secretary Mr Romius D’Souza took care of the overall arrangements of the programme. Fr J. B. Saldanha lauded the interest of the participants for their keen interest in the Word of God and emphasised that such a programme should turn into a regular bible class in the parish.

The resource person, Diocesean Biblical Commission secretary Rev Dr Vincent Sequeira, noted that in Bejai, Communitarian reading of all the four Gospels took place within the span of a year, and now organising “Bible Vista” will pave the way to begin bible classes in the Parish.