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Christians in Mangalore observe Palm Sunday, take procession with palms

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MANGALORE, APR 10: Marking the first day of the Holy Week, Christians in Mangalore celebrated Palm Sunday to commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem before he was arrested and crucified. Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, led the procession and Holy Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral, Mangalore.

In his homily Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha said, “Jesus entered Jerusalem, a city of Peace (Salem) as a King Peace to liberate people from the bondages of sin. Jesus asked his disciples to untie a donkey and get it for him to march towards Jerusalem. On this day, Jesus invites us to untie ourselves from evil things and offer our hearts to him, that he may liberate us and save us from all evil forces around us.”
Almost all Churches in Mangalore Diocese organised special masses and processions. Devotees took to the streets carrying cut palm leaves on their hands in the morning. Churches were crowded in many places. Similar celebrations were also held in other parishes throughout South Canara.


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