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Commit yourselves to follow Jesus and take up his cross” Bishop Aloysius Paul at NYC 2017

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Mangaluru January 21, 2017 : The day of NYC began with Holy Eucharist presided over by Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza Bishop of Mangalore. He gave a call to the youngsters saying each one has to commit themselves to follow Jesus and take up his cross.

Reflecting on the word of God and referring to the life of St Agnes whose feast was celebrated today Vincent Mar Paulose Bishop of Marthandam spoke about the necessary habits to become real Disciples of Christ. He added by saying “Let us become followers of Jesus, take up the towel and serve others”.

The day was enriched by the Deacon Ivan Fernandes, permanent deacon and Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, Bandra. He began his session by quoting Pope Francis’ message to youth at WYD ‘Do not be Christian Couch potatoes “He sparkled the hearts of NYC delegates by referring to the passage from the Bible and explained to them through real life examples. He continued saying that the world teaches us to love and know ourselves but Jesus challenges each one of us that, “to be His disciples we should take up the cross and follow Him.

The second session was taken up by Mr Albert D’Souza on promoting the leadership qualities. He said t “When all were crawling, I started to walk I became a beginner; When all were walking I started running I became a winner; When all were running I started to fly I became leader”. He concluded the session with a note “everything is easy if you want to do it and everything is difficult if you don’t want to do it”.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin