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‘Ephphatha’ Biblical Centre Inaugurated at Pastoral Centre

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Report and Photos: Fr Anil Fernandes, CCC

MANGALORE, MARCH 30 : Ephphatha, the Diocesan Biblical Centre and office of the Commission for Bible was inaugurated on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at Shanthi Kiran Pastoral Centre, Bajjodi.

Rev. Fr Santhosh S. Rodrigues, Director, Shanthi Kiran, Pastoral Centre, Diocese of Mangalore conducted a short prayer service and blessed the new office.

Rev. Fr Vijay Machado, Director, Mangala Jyothi-Diocesan Biblical, Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, (DBCLC) welcomed the gathering. He said, “Ephphatha, the Diocesan Biblical Centre was a part of Mangala Jyothi until now. It has been bifurcated and made a separate centre to gear up the work of proclamation and evangelisation in the diocese. This new centre will also serve as the office of the Commission for Bible.”

Furthermore, he said that Rev. Dr Vincent Sequeira, Assistant Director, Mangala Jyothi and Secretary of Commission for Bible has already begun the work of proclamation. “He has planned several programmes in the diocese to spread the Word of God. He has also organised Bible classes,” Fr Vijay Machado added.

Rev. Dr Vincent Sequeira verbalised his sentiments of gratitude. He sought the support of all in his mission and said, “Let our eyes, ears, hearts and minds be opened to the Word of God.”

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Webmaster: Diocese of Mangalore