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Eucharistic procession in Kifaru Parish of the Diocese of Same

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Nov 27 : Sunday, 25th November 2018, The Feast of Christ the King, turned out to be a historical day in the Mission.  The first Eucharistic Procession of the Mission Parish was held with great success.  More than 500 people joined the Procession from all the Substations of Kifaru Parish.

All the parishioners gathered in the Church, they had the solemn Eucharistic celebration at 9.30 a.m. Fr. Joseph Rodrigues, was the main celebrant, Fr. Hilary the Parish Priest preached the word of God, Fr. Victor Machado conducted the adoration after the Mass.

After the adoration, the procession began; from the Church to the Mission House. The procession was more than 2 k.m. walk to the first rented house where the Mission began 6 years back at Kifaru. The Procession moved about 1 k.m. from hill downwards to the highway and 1 k.m. in the highway towards the Mission House. After the procession Fr. Hilary gave the Benediction and Fr. Alwyn gave a message to the people gathered.

The whole programme concluded with Agape.  All the people were served with a good meal.  People from substations had come all the way from more than 40 k.m. distance. All the people were happy for Honouring the Lord on the feast of Christ the King with a beautiful procession. All the people were singing and dancing all through 2 k.m. procession.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin