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Funeral Rites of Fr William Fernandes held at Valencia Church

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Great Educationist Fr William Fernandes’ funeral rites took place at Valencia Church on 8 July 2019. Bishop of Mangalore Docese Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha presided over the Eucharistic celebration along with Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D Souza Bishop Emeritus, Most Rev Dr Gerald Isac Lobo Bishop of Udupi, Msgr Denis Moras former Vicar General , Msgr Maxim L Noronha the vicar General , Fr Victor George the Chancellor, Fr Victor Vijay Lobo PRO of the diocese and many priests.

Fr Victor D Mello Parish Priest Kirem Church preached the homily, Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu gave panegyric, Dr Harry Fernandes brother of Fr William Fernandes proposed vote of thanks. Many priests, religious, lay faithful, friends and well wishers of Fr William were present for the last rite.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin