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Holy Rosary Feast celebrated at Mliagres Mangalore

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News & Pics: Roshan Madtha

Mangalore, Oct 7, 2018  : Feast of Our Lady of Holy Rosary was celebrated today at Our Lady of Miracles, Milagres church Mangalore. Parish community joined for the rosary at milagres church at 5 pm. After the rosary holy mass was celebrated. Parish priest Rev Fr Valerian was the main celebrant of the mass. In his sermon he urged people to pray together daily rosary which is the tool given by Mother Mary to attain salvation, each bead represents prayer for Mother Mary. As we pray rosary, it will lead us to reach Jesus Christ.

After the Mass short candle procession was followed by prayer and blessing in front of Grotto. Large number of devotees participated in the prayer service.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin