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Inauguration and blessing of Assisi Sadan Salvadore Monteiro home held at Bajpe

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Media Release

Mangaluru, Apr 28 : Assisi Sadan Salvador Monteiro Senior Citizen Home at Siddhartha Nagar, Bajpe was blessed by Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore and inaugurated by Mr Salvadore Monteiro the Philanthropist on April 26, 2022.

Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha presided over the solemn inaugural thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration and 9 priests concelebrated. Rev Dr Joseph Martis broke the word of God and preached meaningful homily on this occasion. The senior citizens are to be taken good care in the evenings of their life, knowing this fact Mr Salvador Monteiro and his family have generously came forward to donate the land and newly built building to the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters of Mangalore Province who have willingly and gratefully taken up this mission. The newly built chapel and premises of the senior Citizen home was blessed by Bishop and concelebrants. Rev Fr Vijay Machado helped to participate meaningfully in the liturgy.


Mr Salvadore Monteiro inaugurated the beautiful Senior Citizen Home by cutting the ribbon and Very Rev Sr Susheela Sequeira, Superior General of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation and Rev Sr Clara Menezes Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province unveiled the plaque.

Thereafter the felicitation programme commenced with a prayer song in the Premises of Senior Citizen Home. Mr Salvadore Monteiro was honoured and felicitated for his generous contribution of 88 cents land and building for the noble task of caring senior Citizen Home at his graceful age. Rev Sr Clara Menezes read and presented the words of Honour.

Professor Dr Francis Monteiro son of Mr Salvadore, expressing deep down words of his father, in his speech said, “my father always said, ‘I utilize little portion, out of abundance before I leave that which my society has gifted me’, therefore my father finds fulfilment and contentment in reaching out to the needy of the Society, so gives priority to the senior citizens and the purpose was clear”.
“Mr Salvadore sacrificed what he had without thinking of himself; he has been sharing the blessings that he has received from the Lord. I, along with the Ursuline Franciscan Congregation, thank Mr Salvadore for his generosity” , Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha said in his address.

Mrs Poornakala Y.K in her address appreciated the donor for setting an example for all of us for being so generous and concerned about senior citizens and he is an inspiration for all of us. Such a person like Mr Salvador is a blessing to the society.

Very Rev Sr Susheela Sequeira, Superior General in her presidential speech said, “A light isn’t a light if it shines for itself, A flower isn’t flower if it blooms for itself, A life isn’t a life if it’s lived for oneself unless it’s lived for others and Mr Salvadore is one such example who generously donated his own place and built the beautiful senior Citizen Home for a noble cause.”

Along with chief guests, Rev Sr Clara Menezes and Rev Sr Susheela Monteiro, contractor Mr Lancy D Cunha, all the workers who worked for the building were honoured on this occasion.

Rev Fr Dr Ronald Cutinha, Parish Priest of Bajpe, Rev. Fr Marcel Saldanha, Vicar Forane, Pezar Vicariate, Rev Sr Dr Rita Vas, former Provincial Superior and Mr Ganesh Arbi, former president of Malavoor Grama Panchayat were present on the dais.

Sisters of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation are grateful to Mr Salvadore Monteiro and his family for their generosity.

Councillors General, Priests, Sisters, parishioners and neighbours were present for the same. Delicious meal was served to all who attended the programme.

Sr Leena Rodrigues welcomed the gathering and Sr Leena D Souza proposed the vote of thanks. Sr Anitha D Souza compered the whole programme systematically.

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Director CCC Admin