Mogarnad, 10 August 2024: Bible classes on the gospel of Matthew commenced on Saturday, 10 August 2024, at Mother of God Church, Mogarnad of Vittal Deanery, in the Deva Matha Hall, attended by 150 Bible enthusiasts. The Parish Commissions for Bible, Catechitics, Proclamation, Liturgy and Basic Ecclesial Community and the Diocesan Commission for Bible jointly organised this bible study programme. The participants included the parish priest, religious sisters of the parish and lay faithful.
The classes began with a short inaugural session that was highlighted in the enthronement of the Bible, followed by a message of encouragement by the Parish priest, Rev Fr Anil Canute D’Mello. Fr D’Mello, in his address, aptly filled with scriptural quotes, stressed the importance of the Word of God in the life of the faithful and the need to study the Bible. Explaining the Word that is “creative” and “the two-edged sword”, he effectively brought out the message of the power of the Word of God.

The parish priest also welcomed and introduced the resource persons Rev Dr Vincent Sequeira, Diocesan Secretary for the Commission for Bible and the team members Rev Fr Suraj Joseph Lobo, Assistant Priest at Kumbla Church and Mr Aaron John Nazareth, the Diocesan Joint Secretary for the Commission for Bible.
The classes that began on Saturday, 10 August 2024, will continue on Sundays, 11, 18, 25 August and 01 September 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The classes will deal with themes such as the gospel, the uniqueness of the gospel of Matthew, preliminary questions regarding the gospel, historical, gio-political, and religious situation of the times, the structure of the gospel of Matthew, the infancy narrative, sermon on the mount, the miracles and parables of Jesus and the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew. Though a bible class was organised at Vittal Deanery, of which Mogranad is a part, Mogarnad considered organising this class separately as more than 150 participants were willing to participate at the parish.