MANGALURU, MAY 12: Rev. Fr Ronald E. L Dsouza took charge as the Financial Administrator (Procurator) of the Diocese of Mangalore and Chaplain of Our Lady of Dolours Chapel, Kodialbail- Bishops House on Friday, 12 May 2023 at Bishop’s House Chapel, Kodialbail, Mangalore.
Fr Ronald Dsouza served 10 long years as the Manager of the Codial Bail Press, Maryhill, Mangaluru. During his tenure the Diocesan Printing Press was upgraded to the newest technology and machinery and achieved remarkable growth in the printing enterprise in the city with support of other assisting priests and staf

V. Rev. Victor Vijay Lobo, the outgoing financial administrator of the diocese handed over the responsibilities to his successor.
Fr Victor Vijay will be taking charge as Parish Priest of St Anthony Church, Kulur, Mangalore on Monday, May 15, 2023.
He served the office of Financial Administrator from 2018 to 2023. He was the Public relations Officer (PRO) of the diocese from 2018 to November 22, 2021.

Diocesan Financial Administrator: Canon law requires that in each diocese, a financial administrator must be appointed by the Bishop, after consulting the college of consultors and the finance committee.
The financial administrator must be an expert in financial matters and of truly outstanding integrity.
The responsibility of the financial administrator, under the authority of the Bishop, is to administer the goods of the diocese in accordance with the plan of the finance committee and to make those payments from diocesan funds which the Bishop or his delegates have lawfully authorised.
The financial administrator must also give the finance committee an account of income and expenditure at the end of the year. (Ref. Canon 494).
Fr. Melwin Basil Pinto MSIJ says:
May 12, 2023 at May 12, 2023 9:52 PMCongratulations dear Fr. Ronald on taking up officially as the procurator of Mangalore today Wishing you all the goodness and success in your new assignment.
Thelma Dsouza says:
May 15, 2023 at May 15, 2023 11:12 AMFr. Rony is very good Samaritan I can say he is dedicated and down to earth I know him since my childhood. I have seen him watering the garden in front of maryhill petrol pump. Very simple and humble person . May God bless his spiritual life and fill with holy spirit.