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Pastoral Commissons’ Meeting at Pastoral Institute

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The Diocesan Pastoral Commissions’ Evaluation and Planning meeting was held on 2 July 2020 at Pastoral Institute Bajjodi, presided over by Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha , Bishop of Mangalore. The commission Secretaries presented the Report of activities and action plan according to the given format. Bishop gave his feed back on each Commission.

Bishop in his message appreciated the work done by commissions. He said more has to be done, once the pastoral plan of the diocese is ready. He also requested to take precautions during this Epidemic. He stressed that the primary focus should be on Family , Faith formation and Economic Growth. Most of our families ask for the basic needs ( food, clothing and shelter ) which has to be given a serious thought.

Fr Peter D Souza, Coordinator of Pastoral commissions welcomed the meeting.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin