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St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu celebrates Annual Feast of St Anthony

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Media Release
Photos : Stanly Bantwal

June 13, 2021 : Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore offered the Holy Mass at St Anthony Ashram Jeppu on the annual feast of St Anthony. On this occasion the Bishop in his homily said, ‘St Anthony filled with zeal to preach the word of God toiled tirelessly throughout his short life of thirty six years. He walked miles not minding hunger, thirst and rest with the intention of spreading the Good News preached by Jesus. He enjoyed the intimacy with Jesus so much that Jesus appeared to him when he was deeply engrossed in prayer. His holy life attracted people and pleased God so much that he was canonized as Saint within a short period of eleven months. He continues to attract people even after his death and his intercession is considered as very powerful especially when things are lost. It is a common belief among the people that if Saint Anthony is invoked when things are lost he never lets them down but finds the same for them. He is also popularly known as ‘Wonder Worker’. The Bishop said, ‘ as we honor this great Saint, let us pray to God through his intercession to be kind and merciful to the entire humanity which is wounded and hurt badly by the pandemic’. He further called on the devotees to join hands in defeating the pandemic.



On the occasion of feast of Saint Anthony the ‘United Catholics’ facebook page had conducted a quiz on the life of Saint Anthony. The winners were declared by the Bishop after picking the names from among those who wrote correct answers. The Ashram also distributed food kits to the needy while celebrating the feast of its patron. Fr Onil D’Souza, the director of the Ashram thanked all those who helped to celebrate the feast in a meaningful way. Fr Roshan D’Souza the Asst Director conducted the novena.

“Let us all join hands together in defeating the pandemic” – the Bishop.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin