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St. Joseph Feast celebrated at St. Joseph Boys’ Science Secondary School , Kituri, Tanzania

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On 19th of March 2019, the St. Joseph school community along with Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, the bishop of Catholic diocese of Mangalore India celebrated the feast of its patron saint St. Joseph. Day began at 09.00 am by receiving his Excellency at the entrance of St. Joseph campus. Headmaster Fr. Victor Machado and student leaders received the bishop and Fr. Vincent with garland. Then in the procession along with school band they proceeded to the program hall.

Program began at 9.30 am with the feast Holy Eucharist celebration. Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha was the main Celebrant. Fr. Vincent Montero, Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza, Fr. Victor Machado, Fr. Hilary lobo, Fr. Joseph Rodrigues, Fr. George Crasta were the concelebrants. In the homily bishop preached about the importance of St. Joseph and how he has worked to fulfil the God’s plan on earth. He spoke about his qualities and the responsibility he takes in upbringing of Jesus. Bishop expressed how St. Joseph was not known for centuries and he is the one who introduced the name Jesus to the world. School choir played instruments during the mass. Sisters from Marian Convent Kifaru, Bethany sisters from Mwanga, UFS sisters from Same, Grail sisters’ from Kisekibaha joined the mass along with the students and staff members of St. Joseph.

After the short tea break, students of SJBSSS organized the science exhibition and display on African art and culture. Bishop and guests witnessed the ability of students through their exhibition performance. Followed by formal function, bishop and guests were welcomed by Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza, the manager of the school. Bishop and guests were honored with shawl and garland. Headmaster Rev. Fr. Victor Machado read the history and activity report of the school. In his address bishop appreciated the school management and teachers for their tireless service and efforts. He emphasized to put the mission in front rather than just working as an employee. He advised students to utilize the opportunity given and help each other in the daily activities.

Rev. Fr. Vincent Montero thanked all and appreciated the academic development. During the program old students of SJBSSS were acknowledged and recognized for their excellent performance in National Form 4 examinations. Students performed various dances and skit. At the end Mrs. Leonarda Laghua proposed vote of thanks. Bishop prayed over the meals and all enjoyed the sumptuous lunch.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin