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Vrakshavandan 2019 : Bishop honors the Forest officers, team leaders and Volunteers

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News & Photos: Rev. Fr Victor Vijay Lobo

July 03: Diocese of Mangalore Laudato Si’ Committee organized Vrakshavandan 2019 felicitation programme for Forest Officers , team leaders and volunteers who toiled day and night in supplying saplings to 124 churches of Mangalore diocese spread in Kasargod and Dakshina Kannada within 20 days.

Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore presided over the programme along with Msgr Maxim L Noronha the Vicar General of Mangalore diocese, Fr Richard D’Souza convener Laudato si’ committte and Mr Luvi J Pinto organizer of Vrakshavandan 2019.

Bishop Peter Paul in his presidential address congratulated all the forest officers, team leaders and volunteers for their support and active involvement in the campaign. He said that, plants can sense everything; they have life and react to us as we come closer to them in love. The animals too including wild animals will not harm when we show love to them he said quoting the example of St Francis of Assisi who is known as Saint of the nature.

Bishop felicitated Mr Shridhar RFO Mangalore, Mr Clifford Lobo RFO Udupi, Mr Jeeth Milan, Ms Selma Roche, Mr Prajwal Swares, Dr Clarence Miranda, Mr Stany Tauro, Mr Raju Kidoor, Mr Bannu Fernandes and Mr James D Souza.

Speaking at the occasion Mr Clifford RFO Udupi appreciated the Bishop for his involvement in conservation of nature further he explained the benefits of Teak wood and impact of the vrakshvandan campaign.

Mr Shridhar RFO Mangalore district in his address said how planting of teak wood saplings can help a poor family after 15 years or more.

Mr Luvi J Pinto the organizers of the campaign said, Mangalore diocese this year supplied 77996 plants as of now and all the plants have reached to the people of 124 parishes which they have started to plant from 30 June 2019. The data bank is preserved in the diocese and in the parishes regarding the plants supplied and planted by the people. The planting photo along with persons has to be sent to the Committee for monitoring purpose. He also explained tiresome process of distribution plants to churches of Mangalore diocese. He further mentioned that after 15 days the excess plants will be gathered by the organizers to give for those who need plants so that no plant is wasted.

Bishop Peter Paul planted a pride of India sapling along with the guests to mark the anniversary of his announcement as the Bishop of Mangalore diocese.

Fr Alwyn Serrao Principal Padua College Compered the program.

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Director CCC Admin