Shanthi Kiran Counsellig Centre, Bajjodi, Mangalore, in coordination with Catholic Board of Education and Chair in Christianity (Mangalore University), Mangalore, organised the Second Batch of two days workshop for Higher Primary and High School teachers on Psychological First Aid on 17th and 18th August 2023 at Milagres College Auditoruim, Mangalore. The workshop programme was presided and inaugurated by V. Rev Fr Antony Shera, the Secretary, Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore. In his presidential address, he said that teachers are the primary resources and counsellors of our institutions. They are able to mould and guide our students by incorporating adequate skills by participating in these workshops. He wished all the participants a fruitful learning during the course of the sessions.

The workshop was concluded on 18th August 2023. His Excellency Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese and the President of Catholic Board of Education, presided over the concluding ceremony. In his presidential address, Bishop said that the teachers are the second mothers to the students. As they spend most of the times in the school, students become closer to them and they come to know each individual student personally. As a result, they are able understand and guide them well. On this occasion, he gave away the certificate of participation to all the participant teachers. Rev Fr Arun Lobo, Director of Shanthi Kiran Counselling Centre, Rev Dr Ivan Dsouza, Head of Chair in Christianity, Rev Fr Joseph Uday Fernandes, Prinicipal, Milagres Central School,Mangalore and Rev Fr Victor Dsouza, Assistant Director, Shanthi Kiran Counselling Centre, Mangalore were present. Mrs Jennifer Menezes and Mrs Molly Lobo shared the experience of the two days workshop. Mrs Prithi Maria Lobo thanked the organizers. Mrs Jacintha Mary Peris compered the valedictory programme.

Psychological First Aid (PAF) is an evidence informed approach that is built upon the concept of human resilience. PFA aims to reduce stress symptoms and assist in a healthy recovery. There are four steps of PFA: Learn Look, Listen and Link. The same concept evolved and introduced by Shanthi Kiran Counselling Centre, a Unit of Mangalore Diocese, in organising the Psychological First Aid workshops for teachers. It will help the teachers in understanding and guiding their students to have a wholistic growth. These workshops have been organised by Shanthi Kiran Counselling Centre since 2015 for the Higher Primary and High School teachers under the management of Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore, in an alternative years in three batches. In this academic year 2023-24, the First Batch of workshop was held at Bantwal-Modankap for Belthangady, Puttur, Bantwal and Vittal zones. The Second Batch for Mangalore Episcopal, City, Surathkal, Kirem,Moodbidri, Pezar and Permannur zones. The Third Batch will be going to be held at Kumbla for Kasaragod zone.
Olwyan Dsouza says:
August 27, 2023 at August 27, 2023 2:19 PMSuperb..,Fr.Arun
Many more sessions needed