75th Independence Day Celebrated at Father Muller Campus

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Aug 16 : With great pride and reverence to the nation, the flag was hoisted in the Father Muller Charitable Institutions Kankanady Campus on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day 2021.

India being the largest democracy and a vibrant youthful nation, saw the show of strength of the Mullerian family beckoned by the call from the Director FMCI for togetherness as one nation.

A symbolic programme was held in the institutional ground, perfected by Fr Ajith B Menezes (Administrator FMMC) to honour the day. The security staff under the leadership of Mr Jochim Menezes displayed their contingent’s guard of honour to the National Flag.


Dr Clement R.S. DSouza, Professor and Head department of General Surgery who also worked as Surgeon Lieutenant in the Indian Navy, was bestowed the honour of being the Chief Guest for the occasion. In his address, he impressed on the gathered the difference between the Independence day and Republic Day at the Flag Post, noting that independence being hoisting the folded flag signifying resurrection of India from oppression and unfurling of the flag already hoisted on Republic Day signifying an already free India. He highlighted the importance of Healthy India and Scientific India for an Atmanirbhar India, weighing that the nation’s progress does not limit itself to policymakers but falls on the shoulders of every Indian.

His speech drew a loud and thunderous applause, resounding the impact of it on everyone gathered especially the student community whom he appealed to shoulder the nation building activities.

Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho headed the Management, Faculty, staff and Patients gathered in saluting the National Flag with echoing of the National Anthem.

Dr K Shreedhara Avabratha, Prof and Head, Paediatrics welcomed the gathering and provided a brief on the Chief Guest, Patriotic Songs were sung by the students of FMMC and FMCON. The programme was mentored by Dr Moira, Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine. Sweets were distributed to all gathered on the occasion.

Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin
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