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Annual Feast 2019 celebrated at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail

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Report by: Loretta Anthony
Pictures: Simon Photography

Nov 3 : The Annual Feast of Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail was celebrated on 3rd November 2019 at 9.00 am with devotion and exuberance.

Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul Dsouza, the Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese celebrated the Solemn Festal Mass along with Rev Fr Austin Peter Peres, parish priest and Rev Fr Gracian Alvares, residential priest. The concelebrants for the mass were Rev Fr Andrew Dsouza, Rev Fr Rohit Dcosta, Rev Fr Vincent Dsouza and Rev Fr Ivan.

Most Rev Dr. Aloysius Paul Dsouza in his homily said that we need to know Christ deeply and live in his love. As we are baptised we are all missionaries . We have a mission of proclaiming our faith. To reveal Christ is a calling for all of us. To proclaim our faith is a gift given to us.

As a symbol of gratitude towards the Almighty, fruits, vegetable, hosts and wine were offered. The melodious Hymns by the choir added beauty to the celebration.

Fr Austin greeted the priests and the parishioners and thanked everyone for the contribution, participation and their cooperation. He extended the festal greeting to the entire parish community.

Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul Dsouza distributed the ” Candle of Honour” to all the members who had contributed towards the feast and also sponsors of the annual feast.

The stalls put up jointly by all the organisation housed many games which kept the crowd engaged and entertained.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin