Diocesan level Bible Class on the Gospel of Mark under the title “Mark’s Gospel as a Story” was held at Pastoral Centre, Bajjodi, Mangalore on Five Saturdays (01, 08, 15, 22, 29) of July 2023 from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm. This course was organised by the Commission for Bible of the Diocese of Mangalore in association with Ephphatha Biblical Centre- a Unit of DBCLC, Mangala Jyothi and 85 participants benefited from this course.

The Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore, Very Rev Fr Maxim Noronha, was the Chief Guest at the concluding ceremony of the course held on 29th July at 5.45 p.m. He handed over the certificates to the participants and in his message emphasised how this short Gospel of Mark strives effectively to bring out the identity of Jesus as the Son of God.
As the title indicates, the story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark was studied mainly with a Narrative Criticism approach.
Pontifical Biblical Commission document on the Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (1993) presents Narrative Analysis of Scripture as a new method to interpret the scriptures. It says, “Narrative exegesis offers a method of understanding and communicating the biblical message which corresponds to the form of a story and personal testimony, something characteristic of Holy Scripture and, of course, a fundamental modality of communication between human persons. “ The document further notes:

“The usefulness of narrative analysis for the exegesis of the Bible is clear. It is well suited to the narrative character which so many biblical texts display. It can facilitate the transition, often so difficult, from the meaning of the text in its historical context (the proper object of the historical-critical method) to its significance for the reader of today.“
Hence, the study concentrated on the various aspects of Mark’s Story of Jesus: The setting of the story, characters-Jesus as the hero, the point of view, the plot, the climax, the twists, and the resolution of the plot. Such an approach not only made the study interesting but helped to understand how gripping the gospel, and the story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark are. The participants opined that the study not only gave them an in-depth understanding of the gospel of Mark but appreciate and love the gospel dearly.
Course director Rev Dr Vincent Sequeira complimented the participants for their enthusiastic participation in the course by coming from places far and near.