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Christmas Get-Together in CODP

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Media Release

Dec 23 : On 23rd December 2020, the staff of CODP-ISD and RUSEMP had a Christmas get together in CODP. The well-wishers, neighbours and Staff of CODP-ISD-RUSEMP participated in the program.

The program commenced with prayer led by Ms Savitha and team. This was followed by Carol singing by staff.

Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese; Rev Fr Oswald Monteiro, Director of CODP; Rev Fr Vincent D Souza, Designated Director of CODP; Mr. Vinod, Local Ward leader and Sr. Smithanjali BS, Superior of Bethani Convent were present on the dais.

Fr. Oswald welcomed the guests of honor and other participants.

Dr. Peter Paul Saladanha inaugurated the program by cutting the Christmas cake. He said that the meaning of Christmas is Peace, love, humanness and serving the needy of our society. He said that God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ into this world to make us human beings and thus to enter the kingdom of heaven. “His birth was an encounter of Divine with humans. We human beings through our dialogues experience the divine. Then Christmas will become more meaningful”, said Bishop Peter Paul.

Fr Vincent in his speech said that , “the month of December is a season of celebrations mainly because of Christmas. During this season we wish our family, friends and relatives love, peace and happiness and seek the blessings of Jesus Christ. His teachings are relevant today”.

Mr. Vinod wished all the participants a very merry Christmas and happy New Year 2021. He further said that all the religions should live in Peace and harmony and not involve in religious intolerance.

Mr Ravi Kumar Crasta, Coordinator of CODP conducted the games. A short Christmas skit was presented by CODP Staff and Santa Claus entertained the gathering.

Fr Oswald distributed the Christmas gifts to all the staffs, guests and benefactors of Family Sponsorship.

The Christmas get-together came to a close with sharing of Kuswar (home-made Christmas Sweets) and fellowship meal. Ms Shilpa and Ms Veena, staffs of CODP compered the program and Ms Zeena, Staff of CODP proposed the vote of thanks.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin