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CODP : A Call to be Light of World

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Nov 24 : Jeevan Raksha Okkoota members organized Deepavali celebration on 21.11.2020 at CODP/ISD hall. Mrs Laveena Dhanthi, President of Jeevan Raksha Okkoota welcomed the gathering.

Rev. Fr Oswald Monteiro, Director of CODP, in his message said that we should spread religious brotherhood, peace and harmony among one another and in the whole society, so that we can become light in our society.

Ms Lenet Gonsalves, Program Manager of CODP said that Deepavali is a move from darkness of ignorance towards light of knowledge. The inner light in us should illuminate others’ lives.

Rev. Fr Vincent DSouza, Assistant Director of CODP in his speech wished all participants Happy Deepavali signifying peace, prosperity and goodness of this festival.

Mrs Jacintha DSilva, member of Pragathi Mahasangha explained the meaning and importance of Deepavali festival. She said that this festival brings oneness, equality and happiness to everyone’s life.

Mrs Latha, representative of Ashirvad Mahasangha Bajpe, compered the programme and Mrs Margaret Mascarenhas, Secretary of Jeevan Raksha Okkoota proposed the vote of thanks.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin