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Evaluation of the Diocesan Commissions held at Pastoral Centre

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Aug 4, 2016 – Commission Meeting :

Evaluation and planning of the 17 Commissions of the diocese of Mangalore was held on 3 August at Pastoral Centre. Most Rev Dr A. P D Souza  the Bishop of Mangalore presided over the meeting. Fr Peter D Souza the convener of the commissions welcomed the gathering and briefed about the proceedings of the meeting. Fr Vijay Machado  Director Of Mangala Jyothi gave an input about the pastoral plan of  the diocese and the   role of each commission  in executing the plan by following the prescribed methodology.

The coordinators of each commission presented their report and bishop gave his feed back on each.

In his concluding remarks Bishop appreciated the work of the commissions and urged them to reach out to the parish level where the pastoral plan is actually realised.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin