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Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences releases ‘Back on track after Covid-19’ motivational video

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July 7 : COVID-19 attacks the body and mind. The common problems faced by individuals after COVID-19 includes weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath with activity, difficulty in walking and perform-ing daily tasks. When one experiences such physical impairments it can lead to stress which nega-tively affects the mind .Thus fear and depression can both impact the health of the body.

Thus trying to help the public at large to tackle the after effects of COVID in the community, the department of Physiotherapy Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences , have conceptualized and produced a video based on the guidelines given by the World Health Organisation for post COVID-19 survivors. As the recent research states that early intervention through exercise and ac-tivity aimed at treating the whole person will play an important role in the recovery process.

A Video release was conducted on the 7th July 2021 at Council Hall of Father Muller Medical College Hospital. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director, Father Muller Charitable Institutions launched the video and congratulated the department of Physiotherapy for this unique and most useful ges-ture. He emphasized the importance of exercise in everyday life and the evermore need to do so to gain strength after a COVID-19 bout. Fr Rudolph Ravi D’Sa Administrator Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Fr Ajith Menezes Administrator Father Muller Medical College , Fr Jeevan Se-queira and Fr Nelson Pais Assistant Administrators FMMCH, Dr Antony Sylvan D’Souza Dean Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences , Dr Uday kumar Medical Superintendent FMMCH, Dr Kishan Shetty Deputy Medical Superintendent, Sr Janet Chief Nursing Officer, Prof. Sydney Roshan Rebello HOD, department of physiotherapy were present.

A 16 minute video directed by Prof Cherishma D’Silva , Unit head of Cardio-respiratory unit de-partment of physiotherapy, Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences was then present-ed. The video comprises breathing exercises, aerobic exercises, strength training along with warm up and cool down.

Exercise heals the body and is a way to restore the mind and soothe emotions. By engaging in movements that the human body is already used to, we can begin the process of recovery and heal-ing with exercise and movements.

The event was compeered by Ms Ashmitha, Assistant Professor of the Physiotherapy Department.

Watch Video : 


Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin