Graduation Day Ceremony held at St. Joseph Boy’s Science Secondary School, Kituri Tanzania

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Sep 24 : On Saturday 21st of September 2019 the members of St. Joseph Boy’s Science Secondary School community celebrated the 3rd Graduation day ceremony of its 3rd batch of Form Four students. Day began with the welcoming of His Excellency Most Rev. Josaphat Louis Lebulu, Archbishop Emeritus of Archdiocese of Arusha. Form Four students Nashon and Juan welcomed the guests with garland, followed by guests were brought in procession with school band to the program hall.

His Excellency Most Rev. Josaphat Louis Lebulu, Archbishop Emeritus of Archdiocese of Arusha celebrated the Holy Eucharist. Mission Superior Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza, School headmaster Rev. Fr. Victor Machado, Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Joseph Rodrigues, Rev. Fr. Njaule and other priests from same diocese were concelebrants. Form four students conducted the day’s liturgy and student’s choir members sang the melodious hymns. Govt. officials, religious sisters from various congregations, school students and their parents were present for the Eucharist.

After the short break during the graduation ceremony guests were welcomed with school band. Program started with national anthem played by school band members. Students performed the prayer dance followed by School Manager Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza extended warm welcome to all. He introduced His Excellency Most Rev. Josaphat Louis Lebulu, Archbishop Emeritus of Archdiocese of Arusha and Mwanga District Commissioner welcomed 2him with shawl and garland and honored him with memento.

Followed by Fr. Alwyn introduced Honorable Thomas Cornel Apson the district commissioner of Mwanga and Bishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu welcomed him with shawl and garland and honored him with memento. Then Fr. Alwyn introduced guests of honor Mr. Ashimun R. Mnzava, the Mwanga District Secondary Education Officer, Bishop Lebulu welcomed him with shawl and garland and honored him with memento, then Fr. Alwyn Introduced guests of honor Mr. Jagjit Sing, the Managing Director of Mwanga Community Bank Ltd. and Bishop Lebulu welcomed him with shawl and garland and honored him with memento, then he welcomed all the diocesan priests, religious sisters, guests, parents of the students and students of St. Joseph.

After the welcome school headmaster Rev. Fr. Victor Machado along with the teachers and students presented the annual report of the school for the year 2019. Followed by Mr. Jagjit Sing, the Managing Director of Mwanga Community Bank Ltd. addressed the gathering and he encouraged the graduates. Mr. Ashimun R. Mnzava, the Mwanga District Secondary Education Officer addressed the gathering. Students of St. Joseph performed various cultural activities.

After the cultural activities Honorable Thomas Cornel Apson the District Commissioner of Mwanga felicitated the toppers in academic and in the national and regional examinations. He also felicitated the best out-going students of St. Joseph. In his address he appreciated the school management and wished good for the graduates. Soon after the skit performed by students; all the guests honored the form four graduated with certificates. After honoring the form four students, Mr. Ashimun R. Mnzava and Mr. Jagjit Sing felicitated the teachers and non-teaching staff members of St. Joseph.

While addressing the gathering Bishop Lebulu congratulated the students and parents and he appreciated the efforts of teachers and members of school board. Parent’s representative from Der es salaam appreciated the school board and handed over the gift. At the end Deputy to headmaster, Mrs. Leonardo Laghua proposed vote of thanks and the program ended with school anthem performed by school band members. Delicious lunch was served to all.

Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin
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