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Mangalore Bishop Celebrates Holy Eucharist at Kifaru Parish

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April 9 : On 23rd of March 2019 Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Mangalore India Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha during his maiden visit to SAME mission Tanzania Africa, celebrated the Holy Eucharist along with the people of God at Kifaru Parish. That day all the people from 5 substations arrived at Kifaru main parish. Morning at 9am people received the bishop at the entrance gate of the church. Parish priest Fr. Hilary Lobo & Parish council chairperson Mr. Bonaventure Maro received the bishop and welcomed him with garland. Then all the faithful proceeded towards the church in procession while singing and dancing.

Bishop was the main celebrant of the mass and Fr. Vincent, Fr. Alwyn, Fr. Hilary, Fr. Victor, Fr. Joseph, Fr. George were the concelebrants. Sisters from Marian convent Kifaru and Grail sisters from Kwanyange were present. During the mass bishop blessed and distributed the vestments to the Catechists of all substations. In his homily bishop spoke about mercy of God and how he gave his only son to us. He stressed to live in the mercy of God and practice it with others in the day-to-day activities.

After the short break in the felicitation program Fr. Hilary Lobo welcomed everyone and Mrs. Protacia Tarimu presented the annual report of the parish. Children from RUPERT home presented the cultural program. People from all the substations presented their traditional dances and presented the gifts to bishop and honored him. During this occasion, parishioners celebrated 60th birthday of Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Hilary Lobo. Fr. Vincent thanked everyone for the opportunity given and praised the development in the mission. Bishop in his address appreciated the good work done by the mission priests and the support of the parishioners. He called everyone to continue this cooperation to achieve God’s kingdom on earth.

Mr. Bonaventure Maro thanked one and all and Fr. Victor prayed grace over the meals.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin