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Mangalore Bishop visits UFS Marian convent at Kifaru, Tanzania

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April 9 : On 21st March 2019 during his maiden visit to Same Mission Africa, Mangalore bishop Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha visited the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters Marian convent/ pre novitiate house at Kifaru, Same , Tanzania. Bishop & Fr. Vincent along with other priests of the SMA Mission were invited for the supper at convent.

On bishop’s arrival Sr. Consolata superior of the convent welcomed bishop with garland and shawl and Sr. Elizabeth offered the garland and shawl to Fr. Vincent. During this occasion novices presented the cultural and traditional dances and songs. In his address bishop thanked sisters for their whole hearted support given in the SMA Mission activities and especially in the pastoral ministry. He encouraged the sisters to continue Lords mission. At the end Sr. Elizabeth thanked one and all and then all proceeded towards dining hall. Sumptuous meals were prepared by sisters.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin