Mangaluru: Sandesha Awards conferred on seven achievers

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By Fr. Richard DSouza

Jan 23 : The 28th annual Sandesha Awards, instituted by Sandesha Foundation for Culture and Education were presented to seven eminent personalities in a befitting ceremony at Sandesha premises here on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

Sandesha Literature Award was conferred on Prasanna Heggodu , Sandesha Konkani Music Award on Fr Ben Britto Prabhu, Sandesha Art Award on Manjamma Jogathi, Sandesha Media Award on B M Haneef Sandesha Education Award on B M Rohini, and Sandesha Special Recognition Award on Snehasadan and Jeevasadan, HIV/AIDS rehabilitation centre, Gurpur.

Sandesha award consists of Rs 25,000, trophy, certificate, citation, shawl, bowl of fruits and garland.

Dr Henry D’Souza, bishop of Bellary diocese and president of Sandesha Foundation, presided over the function. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangaluru and trustee of Sandesha Foundation was the guest of honour.

Honoring the award winners, Dr Henry D’souza said, “When we are satisfied with our achievements, it is the first appreciation which we give to ourselves. When the society recognizes us, it will be an honour. Only through dedication and commitment we can achieve certain goals. The passion on a particular subject makes us do something special. The 28th Sandesha award winners are known for this kind of passion in their respective fields.

“Similarly, recognition of achievers is very essential. It will give two types of benefits to the society. Firstly, it encourages achievers to do more and secondly, it inspires others to achieve something in their lives which will be helpful to the society. Through awards, Sandesha Foundation is doing the job of appreciation and recognition. These programmes inspire many.

“I congratulate all the award winners. Obviously, they are masters in their fields. So these awards will make them understand that they get something from society for their sacrifice,” he said.

Congratulating the award winners, Bishop Dr Peter Paul said, “The profiles of today’s award winners are a best example of individuals’ self-transformation in the society. Of course, they have gained name and fame in their respected fields. Apart from that, by their achievements, they have tried to promote art, culture, education and humanitarian things. This makes them different from other individual achievers. They are directly connected to the society. The awards will boost their spirit and at the same time, it will inspire many. I congratulate all the winners and wish them a great future.”

Na D’souza, renowned Kannada writer and chairman of awards committee, introduced the award winners and their achievements.

Fr Nelson Prakash D’Almeida, director, Sandesha Foundation, welcomed the dignitaries and gathering.

Roy Castelino, trustee, Sandesha Foundation, rendered vote of thanks.

After the stage programme, cultural programme was held by the students of Sandesha.

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