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MID DERMACON 2021 conference held from 28th Oct to 30th Oct 2021

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Oct 31 : 9th MID annual conference of IADVL organized by IADVL Karavali in association with IADVL Karnataka branch is being conducted from 28th October 2021 to 30th Oct 2021.

The first day of the conference had a CME and Workshop which began with the inaugural, at T M A Pai Convention centre at 9.30 am.

CME and workshop inaugurated by Rev Fr Richard Aloyius Coelho, Director FMCI and Trade exhibition was inaugurated by Sri Mahabaleshwar Bhat, Managing Director of Karnataka Bank. Both of them congratulated the Organizers for conducting the event with safe management during COVID pandemic.

The inaugural of the conference MID DERMACON 2021 was held at TMA Pai International Convention Centre on 28.10.2021 at 6.30 pm. It was inaugurated by Deputy Commissioner Dr Rajendra K V and Dr Kishore Kumar DHO was the guest of honour. DC thanked the Dermatologists for rendering their service during COVID pandemic. DHO thanked IADVL Karnataka for the community service during Covid pandemic He also inaugurated CHARMA RATH which disseminated knowledge on skin diseases and COVID vaccination.

IADVL books and books written by members including Accidental Dermatologist written by Dr. Ganesh S Pai were released during the event.

The event is conducted as a hybrid conference with nearly 2000 delegates attending physically and virtually. The ILDS president Prof Lars French (Germany) and Prof Roy Chan 2023 World congress of Dermatology Chairman conveyed their greetings virtually.

The meeting is conducted physically for doubly vaccinated delegates with safe management. Dr. Ramesh Bhat organizing Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. The event is attended physically by nearly 500 delegates from all over India and the scientific sessions are conducted in four halls.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin