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Priests study Popes encyclical Laudato Si at pastoral Institute

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Ongoing formation of priests of the diocese of Mangalore was held on 10 -11 August 2015 at Pastoral institute Bajjodi.

Fr Valerian Fernandes editor of Rakno facilitated the study on Popes latest encyclical on environment Laudato si. He presented the content of the encyclical (chapter wise) with audio visual presentations so that all reflections of Pope could be paid attention too.

During the morning session next day Fr valerian gave his reflections on how to put into the practice the encyclical of pope. Priests during the interaction session suggested various ways and means of leading an eco-friendly life.


Fr Joseph Martis Rector St Joseph Seminary moderated the brain storming session about the topics that could be taken up ongoing formation of priests for next 3 years. More than 25 topics were suggested by the house based on Personal, faith and ministerial aspects of priests in the diocese.

During the Pastoral problems Bishop brought to the notice of priests some specific issues and concerns regarding the Pastoral ministry in the diocese. He said the devotion and reverence of a priest in distributing communion must surpass a lay Eucharistic minister. The transference of account in the parish must be given utmost importance. The vice President must sign every month on cash book in the parish etc.

Fr Vijay Machado Director Mngala Jyothi gave clarifications and information regarding liturgy and catechism.

Programme was concluded with lunch.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin