Small Christian Community (SCC) Day celebrated at Bajjodi Church

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Aug 24, 2017: Small Christian Community (SCC) day was celebrated meaningfully at Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi on 20-Aug-2017 at 9.15 a.m. Holy Mass. The celebration commenced with Holy Eucharist celebrated Fr. Ivan D’Souza, Asst. Parish Priest. The liturgy was conducted by the SCC Core team. Soon after the mass a get-together was held in the Church hall.

Mr. Hilda D’cunha welcomed the gathering. It was followed by prayer dance by Altar Servers. SCC Ward leaders presented their ward report with ppt and charts. Fr. Ivan D’souza conducted the Bible quiz and group activities. More than hundred members actively participated in the programe. Mrs. Lydwin Martin proposed the vote of thanks. Parish Priest Fr. Shabas Crasta distributed the prizes. The programe concluded with a sumptuous meal.

Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin
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