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St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu organizes prayer for the eradication of Corona Virus

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Media Release

Feb 15 : Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza the emeritus Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore offered prayer for the extinction of Corona Virus at Milagres church grounds after the festive Holy Mass organized by St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu on the occasion of feast of Relic of St Anthony on February 15, 2020.

The spreading of Corona Virus has caused death and illness among people. It has created fear psychosis among the people all over the world. It is in this back ground the St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu organized candle light prayer service for the extinction of this virus. The prayer was offered to Jesus the great physician who during His earthly ministry healed people from all kinds of sickness.

St Anthony whose feast is being celebrated today also performed miracles and healed many people in the name of Jesus. Thousands of people along with priests and Religious Sisters participated in the prayer service.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin