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St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu organizes the feast of Relic of Saint Anthony

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Media Release

Photos : Stanly Bantwal

Feb 15 : Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza the emeritus Bishop of Mangalore offered the Holy Mass in honour of the Relic of Saint Anthony on February 15, 2020. The Bishop in his message said that St Anthony in his short life didn’t think of hunger, thirst and rest but preached the word of God continuously. He sacrificed his life and made other’s life beautiful. He called on the people gathered to take example from the life of Saint Anthony and contribute to make other’s life comfortable.

Rev. Dr Prakash Monteiro the campus director of Philomena College Puttur preached the homily during the mass. Saint Anthony made use of his tongue to preach the word of God and to fill hope in the life of people. He spent himself fully in performing miracles, all for others and to bring solace in the life of people. Wherever it is possible he toiled to better the life of people who came in contact with him. It was a life totally dedicated to do good to others. God in return has blessed Saint Anthony by keeping his tongue fresh even after eight centuries of his demise. This is an indication that whenever people obey God, love Him and serve Him, He in return blesses them.

Earlier during the day a Holy Mass was offered for the inmates at the Ashram at 6 am. At 8.15 am Holy Mass was offered in Milagres Church for the sick and elderly. Fr Walter Mendonca the Parish Priest of St Anthony Church Sastan offered Holy Mass at the Ashram. Fr Alex professor at St Joseph Church Jeppu offered Mass at 4.30 pm in Malayalam at Milagres Church.

A number of priests from and around Mangalore City, Religious Sisters and thousands of people including people from Mumbai, Goa, Orissa and Kerala participated in the Celebration.

Fr Onil D’Souza the director of the Ashram thanked all those extended their support to organize the feast. Fr Thrishan D’Souza and Fr Roshan D’Souza the Asst directors co-operated to make the celebration successful.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin