Marathon Bible Classes inaugurated at Derebail Parish
Derebail Parish, Mangalore June 4, 2024. Derebail Parish solemnly inaugurated the Bible classes on Tuesday, 4th June at 6.15 in the evening at the Banquet Hall filled with 150 bible enthusiasts as participants. This will be a marathon event as the Bible classes will go on for three months every tuesday covering the gospel of Matthew and Gospel of Luke from 6.00 to 7.30 in the evenings.

The programme began with honoring of the Bible with a garland. Fr Kevin the assistant Parish Priest read a passage from the Bible and made a short prayer.
Rev. Dr Joseph Martis, happily welcomed the gathering, very specially the resource person Rev. Dr Vincent Sequeira. In his inaugural address, the Parish Priest, underscored the need to study the Bible. Quoting Pope Francis he said: “The Word of God is a powerful antidote to every closure, abstraction, and ideologization of faith. Understood in the Spirit in which it was written, it increases passion for God and man, ignites charity, and revives apostolic zeal” (L’Osservatore Romano , Weekly Edition in English, Fifty-seventh year, number 15, Friday, 12 April 2024, p. 5.). He continued saying, the Word of God is alive and active, (Hebrews 4:12); it does not die, nor does it age, but it remains for ever (1 Peter 1:25). It stays young in the presence of all that passes away (Matthew 25:35) and preserves those who put it into practice from inner ageing. Bible is inspired by God. It is not merely a historical document but a living word through which God speaks to humanity. Hence Bible has to be read through the lenses of faith. The Word of God heals, enlightens, encourages, brings joy and hope in our lives. Hence it is a God given opportunity for us parishioners to have Bible classes at our door steps. He concluded saying, we need to be enthused and be regular for the classes.

Fr Vincent Sequeira expressed his joy to conduct classes and was happy to see such a large number of participants. He said that he would do his best to open up the treasures of the Bible in a simple and comprehensible manner. He added saying, we should feel happy and proud to be people of the Word God and take personal interest. As we have a personal mobile, personal vehicle, personal belongings, we should also have a personal Bible Copy. A personal Bible copy would catapult our thirst for the Word of God. After these introductory remarks, Fr Vincent gave the syllabus of the Bible classes for the next three months. We will make an attempt to know the basics of the Gospel of Mathew and Luke. These two Gospels will help us to know the human and divine face of the Lord. He then culled out some of the unique and significant subjects of the Gospel of Mathew.

The session was lively and interesting. The participants were dynamic, vibrant and involved. The first day session winded up at 7.45 p.m. The executive committee members, Mrs Sheela D’Souza, Vice President, Mr Denzil Pinto Secretary, Mr Anil Patrao Coordinator of the 21 Commissions and Mrs Helen Menezes, Coordinator of the Bible Commission and all the members of the Commission had taken a vigorous role in organising the Bible classes.