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The first meeting of the Social and Media Committee of DPP held

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July 27, 2017: The first meeting of the Social and Media Committee of DPP held at St Antony’s Ashram at 5.00 pm on July 27, 2017

Rev. Fr Onil D’Souza Director of the St Antony Ashram being the Convener of the committee welcomed all the members. Rev. Fr Richard Coelho Director of FMMC led the prayer.

The Convener asked the members to elect a Co-Convener and a Secretary for the Committee. Accordingly the members elected Fr Rohan Lobo, Asst Parish Priest of Bejai as the Co-Convener and Mr Vincent Mascarenhas as the Secretary.


There after the Convener proposed to the members to join the movement initiated by CBCI commission for SC/BC to hold August 10th as black day to demand Rights for the Dalit Christians as their counterparts in other religions have. The suggestion was accepted and responsibilities were shared. The second suggestion given was to give a memorandum to the Govt to declare September 8th as the public holiday. The same was accepted and taken up for action. Then a committee comprising the Convener, Sr Evlyn Bennis, Fr Rohan Lobo, Fr Gratian Alvares, Mr Vincent Mascarenhas and Mr Ivan Saldanha Shet was formed to plan activities for the current term of three years.

The meeting was concluded by vote of thanks at 6 pm by the convener.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin