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75 children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at Valencia

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News and Pics – Gordon Dalmeida

Oct. 28, 2019: Emeritus Bishop of Mangalore Diocese Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 75 children on 26 October 2019 at Valencia church during 5pm mass.

The Bishop celebrated the holy Eucharistic celebration.In his homily he stressed on the need to become the witness of Jesus through our life.He urged the faithful to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ and live a life which is inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

PP Fr James and Asst PP Fr Joswin were the concelebrants.

On this occasion the confirmands donated various grocery items to the needy families of the parish in view of extra ordinary month of mission.

The children were distributed with confirmation certificate and a copy of New Testament as a token of gift on this occasion.The whole ceremony came to an end at 7pm.


Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin