Bantwal: Foundation stone laid for new church building at St Lawrence Church Bola

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The foundation stone for the new church building at St Lawrence Church, Bola, Thoudugoli was laid by Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza, bishop of Mangaluru here on August 10, 2018.

Less known, economically backward St Lawrence Church, Bola raised as parish in 2006 was the part of Panir parish, situated near kerala – Karnataka border. The chapel was built in 1979 by the efforts of the people with their sacrifice of bread and butter. The faithful for the parish vibrant in faith, increasing in numbers were in constant dream of constructing a worship place.

The dream has taken wings and the foundation stone was laid on Friday. It was a festive day of the parish as it celebrated the feast of the patron St Lawrence.

On this joyous occasion devotees gathered to honour St Lawrence the patron of the parish. Bishop of Mangaluru was the main celebrant of the mass.

Hundreds of devotees were present to witness the blessing of the foundation stone for the new church building. All expressed their desire and need for the new church building as the present small, deteriorate chapel is worsening its condition with water leaking, non aeration, less space and weak ceiling problems.

Parish priest Fr Michael D Souza on this occasion explained the difficulties of the local people and their life situations and urged well wishers to support the cause of this church.

Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin
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