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Bishop Peter Paul visits Same Bishop Rogath Kimaryo

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On 19th of March 2019, during his maiden visit to SAME mission the Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha visited the Bishop of catholic diocese of Same Most Rev. Dr. Rogath Kimaryo SSPs at bishop’s house Same.

Along with priests of SMA Mission the Mangalore bishop and Fr. Vincent Monteiro were warmly received by Rev. Fr. Filbert Kassira at bishop’s house same. Thereafter Bishop Rogath met the Mangalore bishop and received him warmly. Afterwards both the bishops went to the chapel for prayer and then they had hour long personal meeting.

After the meeting both the bishops arrived at Bishop’s house reception and then greeted all the members present. In the formal gathering, Rev. Filbert Kassira welcomed everyone and Mangalore bishop presented the gift to Same bishop, then all joined for the fellowship meal. After the meals, both the bishops shared their experience about the collaboration of both the dioceses though SMA Mission. At the end Same bishop presented the token of love to bishop of Mangalore and to Fr. Vincent. Rev. Bernard thanked one and all.

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Director CCC Admin