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Bishop Peter Paul visits Grail Sisters of Tanzania

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On 20th of March 2019 along with Fr. Vincent Monteiro and Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza Bishop Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha visited the Generelate of the Grail Sisters of Tanzania at Kisekibah Mwanga district. Sr. Dionisia Dominick Mshana Superior General of Grail Sisters of Tanzania welcomed bishop and other priests.

The Grail congregation was founded in Holland by Jesuit priest Rev. Fr. Jacques Van Ginneken in 1921. The aim of the Grail is to transform the world for Christ to make it a better place to live in by helping the society to uplift their lives. In Tanzania they started their first mission on May 10, 1970 at Kisekibaha in Same Diocese by the invitation of the prefecture of SAME missionary Rev. Monsignor Henry Winkemolen.

Currently 2 Grail sisters Sr. Leocardia & Sr. Rastituta are serving in the St. Joseph Farm for SMA Mission. They both have done their studies in agriculture and livestock keeping. Bishop greeted them and expressed his gratitude for extending their support in the mission activities of SMAM. As a token of love and gratitude they exchanged the gifts. After the short discussion bishop departed to Mwanga.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin