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Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh felicitated Special Achievers at Annual Conference

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Media Release
Photos: Stanly Bantwal

Mangaluru Dec. 13 : Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh felicitated Mr. Walter Nandalike, Founder of Daijiworld, Mr. Francis Maxim Moras, Traffic warden, Mangaluru and Dr Cyprian Monteiro, the joint director of education, Mr. Marcel Montheiro, Member, Planning commission, Karnataka Government, Mr. Walter D Souza, Former Chairman of FIEO, at the Annual Conference considering their special achievements to the society.

The conference was inaugurated by the Bishop of Mangalore diocese Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha and chaired by Paul Rolphy D’Costa, president of Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh.

Speaking after receiving felicitation, Walter Nandalike said, “When we work towards the society, we can’t restrict ourselves on a particular community or religion. It is our responsibility to respect and reach everyone without any discrimination of caste, creed and religion.”

“We can’t judge a community by its few members or their fanatic thinking and hatred. When we fail to mingle and cope up with the people who hail from different communities, religions or their thoughts, then we also turn as fanatics,” Walter said.

“When a person points out a community, for differences, automatically he will also turn as communal. When the ‘term’ society comes without our major fellow communities like Hindu and Muslim brothers we Catholics can’t do anything. So, it is the right way to live in society being social and brotherhood”, he stressed.

“Bishop of Mangalore diocese is already known for his ‘Bandhutva’ message. In the past two years, he fully emphasized dialogue between inter-faith and communal harmony oriented programmes. The members of Catholic community should carry forward Bishop’s mission and Catholic Sabha should lead them ahead”, concluded Walter.

In his inaugural speech Bishop said, “Catholic Sabha is the face of our community in our society. The members of Catholic Sabha are the volunteers of Catholic community who always spread goodness to the society which comes from Catholic principle, values and morals. At the same time in the community, they are like soldiers who are always ready to help the members of Catholic community. I appreciate Rolphy and his team for their success in leading the community. When the community faced trouble they acted wise and when needed they rendered their selfless service. They won the hearts of society by their ‘Bandhutva’ “.

Antony Mariappa. IFS- DFO Bengaluru Rural district distributed scholarships for three students which is funded by Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh.

Agriculturists William Pinto, Alwyn Minezes and 85 year old auto driver Monthu Montheiro were also felicitated during the event. Fr Mathew Vas, spiritual director; Antony Mariappa. IFS- DFO Bengaluru Rural district; Joylous D’Souza, president, Christian development committee, Government of Karnataka; Marcel Monteiro, member, Karnataka government project authority; Roy Castelino, Public Relations Officer, Mangalore diocese; Walter D’Souza, former chairman of Export Promotion Council of India and Lancy D’ Cunha, national president, AICU were present on the dais as guests of honour. Mr. Victor Correa and Mrs. Gretta Fernandes compered the programme.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin