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Diocesan Pastoral Parishad (DPP) meeting 2016 held : June 17

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Discussion on Amoris laetitia is a post-synodal apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis.

Diocesan Pastoral Parished meeting was held on 17 June 2016 at bishop house Mangalore. Sr Cecilia Mendonca  Bethany  Provincial Mangalore Province lead the prayer.Bishop welcomed Most Rev Dr Gerald Isac Lobo Bishop of Udupi the resource person of the day and all the new and old members of DPP.

Bishop Gerald  shared his  reflections on Amoris laetitia is a post-synodal apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis,   along with  Mr Leslie  the director of Udupi diocese Family Commission.The input was followed by discussion and planning of activities based on the encyclical.

DPP members felicitated Most Rev Dr A. P D Souza the bishop of Mangalore on completing 75 years of his life.Elected Panchayath members were also honored at the occasion.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin