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My Earth My Responsibility: Diocese of Mangalore’s Response to Pope’s Encyclical Laudato si

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News & Pics: Rev. Fr Richard D’Souza


As a response to Pope’s Encyclical Laudato si the diocese of Mangalore social awareness committee organized a programme My Earth My responsibility at Milagres Church hall on 29 August, 2015 at 10 am.

The Programme was inaugurated by Sri Ramanath Rai the minister for Forest by unveiling the Globe and symbolically planting and watering a plant by the guests present.

Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D Souza Bishop of Mangalore, Mr Ramanath Rai minister for Forest, Mr J R Lobo MLA Mr Ivan D souza MLC, Mrs Jacintha Alfred Mayor Mangalore, Fr Onil D Souza Convenor of the committee and Mr M P Noronha secretary Diocesan Pastoral Parished were present on the dias.




Fr Onil in his key note addresses spoke about the relevance of the programme quoting Pope’s encyclical Laudato si preserving our common home, which was well appreciated by all the leaders of the world. Pope gave a call to consider this earth as a temple and see the wonders of God. Use the earth with responsibility and pass it on next generation. Responsible use of natural resources, water, minerals etc are important to preserve the earth.

In his inaugural address Sri Ramanath Rai appreciated the move of Catholic Church of Mangalore Diocese for its concern for the earth as a response to Pope’s encyclical. He said Forest department has taken up keen interest by bring laws like forest conservation Act etc to preserve out nature. There must be a balance in the nature. Global warming, Changes in the climate because of selfishness of humans, irresponsible use of nature must be stopped. All the religious centers will be given a letter by him to preserve environment in church, temple mosque etc he said


J R Lobo in his address quoted the popes’ encyclical appreciated the efforts of Catholic Church in preserving the earth. He caught the attention by speaking about Light pollution and its effect on biodiversities. In our agricultural fields there are no frogs or snails, no fish in our streams, no crows no sparrows around our houses. Therefore all must join hands to preserve our common home he said.

Bishop in his presidential address stressed the need of preserving our forests and environment appreciated the efforts of the committee and organizers. Mrs Jacintha Alfred Mayor Mangalore City Corporation led the oath at the occasion and opened the signature campaign. She in her address gave a call to reduce and recycle waste work together to protect our earth.

Bishop felicitated all those have taken great steps to preserve the earth by planting safflings to grow forest, by using solar energy , Biogas and establishing water treatment plants etc with gifts and plants.

Mr M P Noronha welcomed the gathering Fr Onil Proposed vote of thanks and Ms Mallika Shetty Compeered the programme.

Picture of Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin