The Golden jubilee of Bishops Priestly Ordination day

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by, Fr Richard D’Souza & Mr Denis

Dec. 03, 2016: The Golden Jubilee of Priestley Ordination of Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D Souza held on 3rd December 2016 at Rosary Cathedral, Mangalore. V Rev Fr Pius D Souza, the Episcopal Vicar for religious preached the Homily. Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo the Bishop of Udupi, Msgr Lesley Shenoy, Vicar General, Rector of the Seminary and Diocesan Chancellor were present for the meeting. A lorg number of Priests concelebrated the Mass. After Mass a short felicitation was arranged to greet the Bishop. Msgr Denis Moras read the citation. On behalf of the laity Mr M.P. Nornha the secretary to the Diocesan Pastoral Parished greeted the Bishop. Rev Fr Melwin Paul D Souza Cap the president of the CRI greeted the Bishop.


Fr Vijay Machado compared the programme. The Bishop thanked all the Lay Faithful for their support and cooperation. Fr JB Crasta organized the whole ceremony. All the faithful after mass greeted the Bishop.

Director CCC Admin
Director CCC Admin
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