BANTWAL FEB 25 : St John’s Vicariate-Bantwal- level Bible Course on the Gospel of Matthew in Konkani was inaugurated at Infant Jesus Church, Bantwal Hall, on 25 February 2023. Hundred and five lay faithful from twelve vicariate parishes participated in the course. The Biblical Commissions of the parishes of the Bantwal Vicariate, in association with the Mangalore Diocese Biblical Commission, have organised this course.

Vicar Forane, V. Rev. Valerian S. D’Souza inaugurated the course by lighting the lamp. His message to the participants stressed the more significant need for Catholics to delve deep into the Bible in its study and reflection. The convener, Rev Fr Francis Crasta, explaining the significance of this course, stressed that ‘the way trodden’ by the participants in search of the Word of God and its study is the much meaningful ‘way of the Cross’ of this Lenten season. The resource person of the course and the Diocesan Biblical Commission Secretary, Rev Dr Vincent Sequeira, Headmaster Rev Fr Melwin Lobo and deanery SCC co-ordinator Mrs Sylvia D’Silva also joined the occasion.

The classes will continue till 25 March 2023 on Saturdays from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Diocesan Biblical Commission Secretary noted that Bantwal is the second Vicariate of the diocese after Puttur to hold such classes, and there is a plan to hold these classes in an ongoing format also in other vicariates of the diocese.
Christine says:
March 2, 2023 at March 2, 2023 10:20 AMVery good initiative. We need more programmes of this kind.