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Bishop blesses and felicitates re-elected Superior General of Bethany and General Councillors

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MANGALORE, FEB 12: Sr Rose Celine BS, re-elected Superior General of Bethany along with the elected General Councillors met Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore on February 12, 2022 at the Bishop’s house this morning.

Sr Rose Celine BS was re-elected by the XVII General Chapter of ‘The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany’ (Bethany Sisters) at Bethany Motherhouse, Bendore on February 11, 2022. She will continue to head the congregation for another term of six years. She hails from St Antony’s parish, Fermai, Mangalore Diocese.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS (assistant superior general), Sr Mariette BS, Sr Santosh Maria BS and Sr Sandhya BS are the newly elected general councillors who will be assisting the Superior General in her mission.

Bishop blessed them and felicitated them.

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